I would say now I have some time for myself, I am spending more time playing WOW. Last night was my first run as my resto druid. My gear are under par and my heals were erratic. There were no rotation or sequence that was used to make my healing duties much easier. A guild mate of mine advised me to get heal bot before the run. I did and tried on. It seemed okay for now but just sorting what healings spells I need to use and what time.
Oh like, sheep, the tank is getting massive damage from bosses and mobs, what's my next healing spell? Life bloom? Rejuvenate? Restoration or Healing Touch? oh wait, where is my swift mend button? Crap, the hunter is dead! Tank is holding up well until all of his cooldowns were used up. All up to me as noob healer to keep the tank and party alive. Panic button set in. I dont know what to do. HEAL DAMNIT! HEAL!! Smack tank down healer down! First wipe of my resto druid 5 mans experience and this went on for 30 mins later. Wipe after wipe. Not a good start!
Pissed off at myself for not healing well. I decided to leave the party to save people from wasting their gold in their repairs. I continue questing around the area. Got a few quest down and dusted which is good. Now half way to level 69. A good achievement since I can't seem to get the druid experience bar up couple weeks back.
So, now raiding as my main spec as hunter in Naxx. Gosh I really dislike Hagen. If I had a dance teacher like Hagen, I would have screamed and shouted, "LET ME OUT OF HERE", HE WILL KILL ME!" Time and time again I failed miserably for that boss. Luckily, my brother was a pally tank and two other guildies were still there. One was a off tank/off healer and the other was healer/cat dps. It was interesting to see how they manage to solo the boss with ease when all the DPSer were down for the count. FUN! FUN! nevertheless when the Boss went down mmm like after 15 minutes.
Then come, the doggy boss. I was asked to do kiting duty. Which I neither like or dislike. More dislike for I am Marksman and trap capabilities limit my trap duration and my trap effectiveness. I used to be Survival and trapping was much easier and more effective. I had more time with SV to set my traps in wider areas so I have more area to keep the zombie treat away from the doggie. So, the fight went along as normal, me kiting at the back and the rest dpsing in front. Resto druid came and healed and cast root on zombies. Shaman placed a slow totem to help with kiting.
But, at the end, some thing happen. I wasnt able to group the kite mobs in the same area. It went scattered. Mental note when this happen, put distracting shot up. Was trying everything to keep the mob at the sight. Then my Hit points went down quickly! BAM BAM BAM! Hunter dead! grrrrrr pissed me off when my kiting is not up to scratch. I need my dual spec for this. Survival for trapping and Marksman for DPSing. Anyway, the doggy boss went down without a hitch even though he ate some of the zombie treats. Naughty doggy!!!
So, we done two quarters last night. Tonight we will continue with the rest and hoping to get to KT down by late tonight!
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